Recycle Me!
At Fix & Fogg, we consider sustainability with everything we do.
Our mission goes beyond crafting delicious, high-quality nut butters; we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us. We’re proud to be named the first ever NZ owned food manufacturer to become B-Corp certified.
Can I recycle my Fix & Fogg peanut butter packaging?
Yes, Fix & Fogg glass jars can be recycled! Please make sure to wash out your jars, remove the labels and pop them in your regular curb side glass recycling.
Alternatively, you can reuse them for a variety of purposes.
Here’s some ideas from our PB pals!
Sauces: With the last scoop of PB, you can make a quick satay sauce. Just add a dash of soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, and hot water to the jar, shake well, and serve!
Kitchen prep: Ideal for preparing overnight oats, salads, or smoothies that you can take on the go. Perfect for keeping spices, herbs, or homemade sauces fresh, thanks to their airtight seal.
Gift Giving: Use our jars for DIY projects or even as vases for flowers. Fill them with homemade jams, sweets, or bath salts for thoughtful, eco-friendly gifts.
Did you know our new Easy Squeeze pouches are for going places - including soft plastic recycling? Our pouches were initially designed for NASA astronauts, catering to specific needs for space travel, including being a soft plastic pouch for use in zero gravity!
Can I recycle my Easy Squeeze pouch?
Yes! Just rinse and clean your pouch before dropping it off at your local soft plastic recycling bin in New Zealand. But wait! Before you do, make sure to get every last squeeze. Our thoughtfully designed pouch has a perforated top, so you can easily rip it off, get every golden roasted drop, rinse, and then recycle it!
Did you know that a lot of plastic packaging can be recycled?
A trick to figure out whether your packet is suitable for soft plastic recycling is the scrunch test! If it can be scrunched into a ball and doesn’t bounce back - it can be placed into any of the soft plastic bins around the country (locate your closest one here).
Sustainability is a journey, not a destination. We are constantly seeking new ways to improve our processes and products, staying ahead of the curve in environmental innovation.
Stay tuned on our social media for our innovative flavour, packaging and community updates!